Last night we had the community Interfaith concert. In preparation, I got to associate with two great choir directors, Sandi and Maggie. We even were in the paper with a very nice write up! (Eeek! I had no idea that the picture would be that big.) I had chosen four songs, three for our choir and one for the big group number. They were "Away in a Manger" arr. Mack Wilberg, "Good Christians, All Rejoice" arr. Gilbert Martin, "This is the Christ" arr. Darwin Wolford, and the group number, Silent Night arr. Doug Bush.
I had the privilege of conducting our choir and I am so proud of them. It was so fun working with them over the last month or so. It was like the angels were singing. I could not believe the sound they produced -- they blew me away! It was so beautiful. The best part was you could really feel the spirit as they sang. It was quite overpowering. IMHO, the event was a success. I am already thinking about what we can do for next year.