My house was a mess! I have had a difficult time staying on top of things lately and with Ken gone, I had really let the house go yesterday. My plan was to come home from Triple Trio rehearsal and errands and do some major tidying and cleaning before my voice students started to arrive for the afternoon. I wasn't sure that I would be able to get it all done.
As I come in the door with my arms full of groceries, I noticed something was not quite right. Things were not where they were when I left this morning (which was basically all over). I walked into the kitchen noticed the clean counters that had been covered with dirty dishes and the dinner from last night that I had not yet put away. So instead of the mess I was expecting, there are beautiful flowers on my island. I was completely awestruck. I called my mother as I began to walk around the house. Toys were put away, the floor was swept and vacuumed (even the stairs!), and even my bathrooms had been cleaned! Tears of gratitude flowed from both of our eyes as I continued to discover all the things my angels had done. Trevor kept saying, "mom why are you crying? You should be happy." I explained to him that they were tears of joy and I was overwhelmed with gratitude.
So thank you my dear angels! Words cannot express the love I have for you. I have a pretty good idea who you are -- there are only a few people that know our garage code and Peyton found a beloved clue up in her room. :) Thank you for knowing me and loving me. Your charity has blown me away and I will never forget this beautiful example of service!