Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I got some complaints...

I heard from a few people that said I needed a new picture on my blog (and facebook). While the other picture was nice, it did not capture the me they know and love. (I thought it showed me "musing" and was therefore quite fitting.) So yesterday I took what I hope will be a more acceptable photo -- a self portrait if you will. Hopefully this will do until I can get Becky to take a real picture.

Other opinions and feedback?


Karl said...

I liked your photo...musing is the exact word I would have used. This one I think captures your cheery nature. --Jen

Liz said...

That's a great picture, Carli! The old one was fine, but I think this one is even better.

Rochelle said...

Shane was inspired by your old picture. He was inspired to create his own blog! (Yes, be afraid...)

Check it out at:

I cannot take responsibility for my husband's blogging....

xoxo --c. said...

I agree w/ Jen -- this is the you that most of us see...and love.

oxoxo m.

Becky said...

You know I'd love to get your photogenic self in front of my camera any time! Every picture of you is great; I knew there was a reason I prefer being behind the camera...

alison said...

never saw the old picture but that's a great one!

Kris said... look lovely! I've added you to my favorites. We're are